3… 2… 1… Launch and Promote!

You’ve done it! Your quest is fully set up, released, and tested. It’s now ready for public participation. In this part of the course, you’ll learn best practices for how to announce your quest and to keep your community engaged with your quest throughout the quest period. Scroll down to have a look.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/046d56bb-337c-428c-ba45-93717675a29f/44746536-e16d-4400-be7a-0e61592d1c40/Round_Gradient_Background_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/046d56bb-337c-428c-ba45-93717675a29f/44746536-e16d-4400-be7a-0e61592d1c40/Round_Gradient_Background_(1).png" width="40px" />

Course Navigation

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Navigating the Galxe Quest Dashboard
  3. Quest Creation
    1. Planning Your Quest
    2. Quest Info
    3. Rewards
    4. Task Settings
  4. Testing your quest
  5. Launching and promoting your quest - Current Page
  6. Course Completion and Certification </aside>

Announcing your quest

Example of a quest announcement on Twitter

Example of a quest announcement on Twitter

With your quest completed, released, and tested, it’s now time to start driving potential participants to the quest page. To do this, Galxe generally recommends casting a wide net — make an announcement through every active channel you maintain, and work with your existing networks to help spread the news of your quest. Some methods you’ll want to consider are the following:

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/046d56bb-337c-428c-ba45-93717675a29f/44746536-e16d-4400-be7a-0e61592d1c40/Round_Gradient_Background_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/046d56bb-337c-428c-ba45-93717675a29f/44746536-e16d-4400-be7a-0e61592d1c40/Round_Gradient_Background_(1).png" width="40px" />

Getting your quest trending on Galxe Quest

Trending section on Galxe Quest’s Explore Page

Trending section on Galxe Quest’s Explore Page

If you’ve ever had a look at one of Galxe Quest’s trending sections, you’ll note that which quests are trending is not merely a matter of numbers: the top trending quests are often not the ones with the most participants. This is because, in addition to participation numbers, Galxe’s trending algorithms also take into account the amount of time that a quest has been live, as well as the Galxe Space Tier of the quest’s host. In short, the quest that has the highest chance of trending will be one which has more participants in the first days of the quest, and whose host Space has reached Rewards Hub Level 4.

If you would like your quest to trend on the Galxe Quest platform, it is essential that you drive participation early in the quest period. Trending on Galxe Quest is a big accomplishment, and is a way of attracting the entire Galxe community to your quest.


Engaging with your quest participants

Example of quest participant engagement on Twitter

Example of quest participant engagement on Twitter

In addition to making your initial announcements, Galxe also recommends you engage with your quest participants throughout your quest period. Engaging on a personal level with quest participants has two benefits. First, the participants with whom you engage will feel a sense of recognition and appreciation for their efforts, encouraging them to participate in more of your quests in the future. Second, for those members of your community who have yet to participate in your quest, seeing the engagement through public channels serves as a reminder to participate in your quest, and keeps the quest fresh on everyone’s mind during the quest period.

To engage with your participants during the quest period, you may consider the following methods:

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/046d56bb-337c-428c-ba45-93717675a29f/44746536-e16d-4400-be7a-0e61592d1c40/Round_Gradient_Background_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/046d56bb-337c-428c-ba45-93717675a29f/44746536-e16d-4400-be7a-0e61592d1c40/Round_Gradient_Background_(1).png" width="40px" />

Want to view your quest participation data?

Downloading participation data through a quest page

Downloading participation data through a quest page

Once your quest period has finished, or even during your quest period, you may want to check your participation data. As admin of your Galxe Space, you will find this data available for download directly through the quest page, as shown in the recording above.

At Galxe, we find that the most successful spaces are those which grow their participation numbers over time through consistent engagement with their communities, and which set their expectations for participation accordingly. For more advice on this topic, we suggest you check out our Best Practices blog: Managing Expectations for Galxe Space Growth & Quest Participation.


On to completing the course

If you are reading this, you’ve arrived at the end of the educational content for this course. Move on to the final part to complete the course and receive your certification.

< Testing your quest

Course Completion and Certification >