The end of the course

You’ve come to the end of the course! In this part, you’ll receive our good cheer and instructions on how you can claim your certificate of completion. Scroll down to check it out.

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Course Navigation

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Task verification on Galxe: How does it work?
  3. What kinds of onchain tasks can be verified on Galxe Quest?
  4. Onchain task types on Galxe Quest
    1. NFT Holder tasks
    2. Snapshot Vote tasks
    3. Wallet Balance tasks
    4. Contract Query tasks
    5. Import Your Own Data tasks
      1. Import Your Own Data task set up requirements
      2. Setting up Import Your Own Data Tasks
  5. Strategy considerations for onchain tasks
  6. Troubleshooting and resolving common issues with onchain tasks
  7. Course Completion and Certification - Current Page </aside>

Congratulations on finishing Mastering Onchain Tasks on Galxe Quest!

On behalf of Galxe Creative Center and the entire Galxe organization, we offer our heartfelt congratulations to you on completion of this course. Through your efforts, you have learned not just how to set up onchain tasks on Galxe Quest, but also the fundamentals of task verification on Galxe, and how to implement your onchain tasks in a way that will help you to meet your strategic objectives and keep your community happy. The skills and habits you’ve built in this course are sure to take you far on Galxe Quest.

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Any further questions?

Contacting support via the Galxe Dashboard

Contacting support via the Galxe Dashboard

Although through completing this course you have achieved mastery of onchain tasks on Galxe Quest, you may still have some questions related to the set up needs of your specific onchain tasks. Should any questions come up, you’re welcome to contact our support team through the Galxe Dashboard at any time. Just look for the chat bubble on any dashboard screen, as shown in the video above.


Receiving Your Course Completion Certificate NFT

Of course, Galxe would like to reward you for completing this course through a Galxe Quest. Complete the tasks in the quest below to receive your Course Completion Certificate NFT. This NFT represents an official, onchain, nontransferable certification from Galxe that you have completed this course and mastered the knowledge and skills contained herein. Additionally, you’ll earn 20 Loyalty Points on the Galxe Creative Center Courses space. Collecting enough Loyalty Points on this space will earn you further rewards in the future, like Rewards Hub points and further certifications.

Check out the quest to learn more and claim your certification:

Mastering Onchain Tasks on Galxe Ques: Course Completion and Certification Quest by Galxe Creative Center Courses | Galxe Quest

So long for now

Thank you for taking part in this course, and stay tuned for more course content from Galxe Creative Center in the future.

< Troubleshooting and resolving issues