A flexible solution for verifying onchain tasks

The Import Your Own Data task type allows you to verify onchain tasks using data you supply. The capabilities of this powerful task type are vast, but it is also a more complex set up process compared with the pre-built task types we have covered previously in this course. Not to worry, we will take you through step-by-step and let you know everything you need. Scroll down to get started.

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Course Navigation

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Task verification on Galxe: How does it work?
  3. What kinds of onchain tasks can be verified on Galxe Quest?
  4. Onchain task types on Galxe Quest
    1. NFT Holder tasks
    2. Snapshot Vote tasks
    3. Wallet Balance tasks
    4. Contract Query tasks
    5. Import Your Own Data tasks - Current Page
      1. Import Your Own Data task set up requirements
      2. Setting up Import Your Own Data Tasks
  5. Strategy considerations for onchain tasks
  6. Troubleshooting and resolving common issues with onchain tasks
  7. Course Completion and Certification </aside>

The Import Your Own Data task type - how it works

A tour of the Import Your Own Data task type and its features

A tour of the Import Your Own Data task type and its features

The Import Your Own Data task type is unique on Galxe Quest in that it is the only type for which Galxe does not have a pre-established data source of who has done a particular task to use for task verification purposes. Instead, there are several options for you to provide that data yourself, including through a spreadsheet or a database.

Regardless of the above distinction, Galxe’s verification process for Import Your Own Data tasks works the same as ever: by comparing two relevant data points. The first data point is the wallet or email address bound to the user’s Galxe Account. You will have the option as to what type of address the verification process will use for this data point. The second data point is the data source you provide. In one way or another, this data source is a collection of addresses which have performed the task you would like to verify. If Galxe finds the user’s Galxe Account-bound address within your data source, the task will verify. If a matching address cannot be found, task verification fails.

Limitations of the Import Your Own Data task type

Although the Import Your Own Data task type is quite flexible, it does have some technical limitations.

First, as you know, the first data point involved in the task verification of Import Your Own Data tasks is the user address bound to a Galxe Account. So, in order to have access to this data, Galxe must support the address type’s binding. The currently supported address types available for binding on Galxe are as follows: