Set up instructions for Import Your Own Data

As discussed previously, there are two main categories of Import Your Own Data tasks — those which use a spreadsheet as their source, and those which use a database. In this part of the course, you will find set up instructions for each. Scroll down to have a look.

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Course Navigation

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Task verification on Galxe: How does it work?
  3. What kinds of onchain tasks can be verified on Galxe Quest?
  4. Onchain task types on Galxe Quest
    1. NFT Holder tasks
    2. Snapshot Vote tasks
    3. Wallet Balance tasks
    4. Contract Query tasks
    5. Import Your Own Data tasks
      1. Import Your Own Data task set up requirements
      2. Setting up Import Your Own Data tasks - Current Page
  5. Strategy considerations for onchain tasks
  6. Troubleshooting and resolving common issues with onchain tasks
  7. Course Completion and Certification </aside>

Setting up a spreadsheet-based Import Your Own Data task

Set up procedure for an Import Your Own Data task with a Google Sheet as its Credential Source

Set up procedure for an Import Your Own Data task with a Google Sheet as its Credential Source

  1. Navigate to step 3, Task Settings, in Galxe’s quest creation process.
  2. Select the On-Chain task type category if it is not selected already.
  3. Click Import Your Own Data to generate the task set up fields.
  4. Select the id (wallet address) type you would like to use to verify your task.
  5. Input a title for your task in the Title field.
  6. Select your Credential Source (either CSV or Google Sheet for using a spreadsheet as your source).
  7. Provide your data source.
    1. (For CSV) Upload your spreadsheet file using the Select File button.
    2. (For Google Sheet) Paste the address of your sheet into the field and click Recognize (the Galxe Spreadsheet Bot account, [email protected], must be added as viewer on the sheet for the Recognize button to work).
    3. (For Google Sheet) Also select the sheet and column where your wallet address data of who has done the task can be found.
  8. Type a description for your task. The best descriptions will let participants know how to properly perform the task to be verified.
  9. Input a Call-to-Action link. This link should direct participants to where the task can be performed.
  10. Activate a Participation End Time or not. This is a useful option if your task requires manual data updates, and you would like to end the task verification period before the quest period ends.
    1. If activated, the task will no longer be verifiable after the end time you set.
    2. If left unactivated, the task will be verifiable until the quest end time.
  11. Input an Update Frequency to let your participants know how often the data on the task will be manually updated by you or your team. Your participants will know from this information when they should return to the quest page to verify the task.
  12. Click Save.

Setting up a database-based Import Your Own Data task

Set up procedure for an Import Your Own Data task with a REST API as its Credential Source

Set up procedure for an Import Your Own Data task with a REST API as its Credential Source

  1. Navigate to step 3, Task Settings, in Galxe’s quest creation process.