After launching your quest with onchain tasks included, it’s possible that some of your community members may have difficulty when they try to verify the tasks. This section of the course is designed to empower you to assist with the common issues that occurs. Scroll down to have a look.
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From making it this far into the course, you already have a firm grasp on the way that onchain task verification works on Galxe — essentially by matching data of who the user is (their wallet address) with the data of who (what wallet address has done the task). It follows, then, that if there is a problem with task verification, it must come from one of these two data points. Let’s look at how you could go about testing each to identify where the problem comes from.
If one of your community members reports an issue with task verification on Galxe with you, you will need to have evidence of both who the community member is on Galxe, and whether they have done the task in question.
To start, you can ask the community member facing problems to share with you a screen recording showing the wallet address that they have used to sign into Galxe. This will tell you who the community member is, the first data point involved in task verification. Additionally, the video should show what happens when the community member goes to verify the task on your quest page, and show the verification failing. Finally, you may also want to ask the community member to share their wallet address so you can have easy access to it (this should be the same wallet address the community member shows in the screen recording).
To see the second data point — whether or not this community member has done the onchain task — you can also ask them to send you a tx id or link which shows their wallet address (the same one they have connected to Galxe) having performed the task.
Between these two submissions from the community member — the screen recording and the tx id — you should have everything you need to troubleshoot the issue.
The most common reason why onchain task verification on Galxe Quest fails is that the user connects to Galxe using a different wallet address than the one they used when they performed the onchain task. When Galxe performs its task verification process, it only does so using one wallet address, which is the one the user has currently signed in on the site. If the user has connected to Galxe with a different wallet address, the verification process will fail as this is not the address which appears in the data of who has done the task, and no match can be made.
If this is the case, and the user has simply connected to Galxe with a different wallet address, the problem can be solved by asking the user to try again with the correct wallet address signed into Galxe.
If the user has connected to Galxe with the correct wallet address, and you can see in the transaction record that the wallet address has clearly done the onchain task, the next step in troubleshooting will be to ask why is the user’s wallet address is not appearing in the data of who has done the task.
In this case it may be possible that the user has actually performed a similar task, but with some important detail being different. Maybe they did the task on the wrong network, in the wrong amount, or on the wrong date. You will want to confirm that all the details are correct according to how you set the task originally.
Finally, if you have set the onchain task using a database and an Import Your Own Data task type, you may also want to check with your developer who set the database for you. It could be possible that the database did not update due to some technical problem. In this case, you could ask your developer to manually add the user’s wallet address to the data.
Galxe offers two ways to test onchain tasks using a user’s wallet address. One is a simple Check Eligibility test, which quickly tells you whether the user should be able to verify the task or not. The other is to test on the task set up screen, which tells you the value returned by Galxe’s query (if any) so you can identify the reason why or why not the user is eligible to verify the task in the first place. Let’s look at how to perform each test.